Furuta embodies the concept of 'dressing for everyday,' creating garments that celebrate every aspect of feminine essence. The brand employs exquisite Japanese embroidery techniques to depict organic elements like flowers and creatures that enrich our daily lives, offering designs and details that seamlessly integrate into the female experience.
In a world where both masculinity and femininity coexist within everyone, women historically navigated societal norms through styles such as suits and trousers, distinct from men. This shift in fashion has been pivotal for women's liberation, transcending mere tastes and trends.
While societal attitudes toward gender continue to evolve towards greater freedom, this transition remains significant for women's emancipation beyond transient fashion preferences.
Beyond physical gender, embracing femininity as an essential aspect of identity fosters a freedom to love and be loved equally. Furuta encourages wearers to embody and cherish this ethos, resonating not only with the individual but also with the observer's appreciation of femininity.
Furuta garments are a testament to embracing and honoring the entirety of femininity, reminding us of its enduring value.
「ドレスを日常に。」 をコンセプトに、全ての女性性に響く洋服を展開しています。
全ての人は、 男性性と女性性を持ち合わせてこの世界に生きています。
着る側はもちろんのこと、 その人を見る相手側の女性性にも響く体験が起こることでしょう。
Yukari Furuta began her career as a designer at a prominent Japanese apparel company before serving as an assistant to Mr. Maruyama at the renowned KEITA MARUYAMA collection brand. Following this experience, she embarked on her own path as an independent designer. Her expertise extends to creating custom bridal gowns and stage costumes, catering to esteemed artists including the popular Japanese singer Yumi Matsutoya.
ワールド、KEITA MARUYAMAを経てブライダルドレスや松任谷由実氏等のアーティストの衣装制作など手がける。2017preを経て2017AWよりfurutaを本格スタート。